Sunday, January 4, 2009

A brand new year started~

New year started... own a bad mood.. feel so down.. cause i gotta resume to work already...really hope i can free from that hell as soon as possible...don't like that place at all.. everything thr lifeless, everyone like robbots, just knoe how to work and gossip at others ppl bck... feel like my world is fading while i stay at that place...maybe i really not suitable for that kind of place..really need something new to refresh my life, working made me feel like i'm getting older n older, getting old in such a speed that myself never expect...i'm so scare...the sunshine,cheerful, happiness seems stay so far away from me already...hope i can found it bck n keep it besides me once again...

huh...anyway, life still goes on, we gotta move forward...soooo....gampateh :)


1 comment:

  1. yea.. u're rite.. life goes on.. at the same time, dare to dream~! cheers..
